... but I am back!
I am sure it is not only me, but 2012 has been a busy year, both at work and at home. In these times, work is hard, busy and also with an ever-present risk of redundancy. Home life continues apace, supporting children with homework and also with the quest (and pressure) of trying to maintain a quality home-life. And what about me?
Anyway needless to say we have not starved. Neither have we been eating processed or ready made meals. I have discovered a lust for frugality, not just in these austere times, but also through an almost zealous dislike for waste (especially when so many go without). But my baking skills have not improved!
I have continued to cook from recipe books. I have also resisted buying new books as per the original principle of this blog. I have also cooked from my magazines, supermarket recipe cards and occasionally from the Internet. I still love formal dining, even if it is just me, A and our daughter. This includes using the linen napkins. I have them so I'm gonna use them - no "saving for best" for me (otherwise they would never get used which is also a form of "waste").
My culinary journey will embrace Britain's finest, as well as from other countries. I will continue to cook seasonally, and free-range / organic as possible - but also keeping an eye on cost. Sadly our allotment did not produce much this year which means relying on shopping for vegetable more than usual.
So I hope you stay with me, and share your thoughts and comments on this blog.